[iPhone] Pocket Informant for iPhone to be shown at MacWorld

Pocket Informant for iPhoneがMacWorldで展示されるよ〜という話

We have had a long haul making Pocket Informant for iPhone and we will be showing a near final release at MacWorld Expo this January 6-9th in San Francisco. We are very excited about this release as we are able to bring our award-winning productivity software to a powerful new platform. Of course, we took time to leverage many of the iPhone's unique capabilities and while Pocket Informant is brand new to the iPhone, we have a vision for this product that's very exciting. Version 1.00 is a powerful GTD tool and Google Calendar client. See us at MacWorld for a demo, or check out our website for videos, screenshots and features.

このpocket informantというやつはsisimaruの常用ソフトであり、iPhoneにも移植されるということでいぽねに転んだのでもある。